We aim to complete requests as quickly as possible but please allow at least 20 working days for us to process the request. If you do not hear from us after 20 working days, please email the Development and Alumni Services team. Email Development and Alumni Services Please bear in mind that if your data request will involve the sharing of any data with an external third party you will need to complete a data sharing agreement between the University of Edinburgh and the third party concerned. You will need to share a copy of the completed data sharing agreement with Development and Alumni before we can release any data. If your data request involves sending a communication of any type, we need to receive a copy of the content before we release any personal data, and preferably as early into the process as possible in order to ensure the communication is GDPR compliant. This will also enable us to deal with any alumni queries we may receive in response to the communication. Please also note that you must always include the Development and Alumni privacy notice on any communications that you send. This article was published on 2024-10-29