Privacy notice

We are committed to protecting your privacy and keeping you informed of how your information is used.

About us

The University of Edinburgh (the “University”) is a charitable body registered in Scotland (registration number SC005336), incorporated under the Universities (Scotland) Acts. Development and Alumni (“we”) exists to support the University’s global community of students, former students (“alumni”), current and potential supporters, donors and other individuals, to develop mutually beneficial relationships; to provide services and opportunities to students, alumni, supporters and other individuals; to promote the development of alumni and other networks; and to fundraise in support of students, teaching, research and capital projects at the University, and for local community projects.

Developing an understanding of our alumni, current and potential supporters, donors and other individuals (“you”) through your personal data enables us to make better decisions, use our resources effectively and raise philanthropic gifts more efficiently; to support the University’s aim of delivering impact for society by discovering, developing and sharing knowledge that makes a difference locally, nationally and globally.

For data collected under this privacy notice, the University is the Data Controller (as that term is defined in the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018), registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office, Registration Number Z6426984.

About you

This privacy notice uses “you” to mean any individual about whom we collect and hold personal data, including alumni, current and potential supporters, donors and other individuals.

Accessing your personal information

If you wish to request access to any of your personal data held by Development and Alumni, please use the University’s subject access request procedure.

Make a subject access request

Changes to this privacy notice

We regularly review the terms of this privacy notice, which we may amend from time to time. If we make any substantial changes we will notify you by posting a prominent notice on our website. Previous versions of this privacy policy can be viewed online.

Previous privacy notice

Gaelic correspondence

If you write to us in Gaelic, we may be using a third party translator to translate your message into English and our response back into Gaelic.

Ma sgrìobhas sibh litir no post-d thugainn sa Ghàidhlig, tha e comasach gun cleachd sinn eadar-theangair airson do theachdaireachd eadar-theangachadh bhon Ghàidhlig gu Beurla agus freagairt air ais dhan a’ Ghàidhlig.

We process personal data about you in order to deliver and improve the opportunities and services we provide in a personalised manner, to ensure each individual receives timely and relevant information, and to ensure we use resources in the most efficient and effective way.

We undertake research to produce briefings on a limited number of individuals who we believe may have an interest and the means, or the expertise and experience, to become actively involved with the University.

The University holds the personal data of alumni, current and potential supporters, other individuals and stakeholders.

We will never sell your personal data to third parties and will only pass your data to those third parties providing a service for the University, as set out in this privacy notice, or where under a duty to do so in order to comply with any legal obligation.

Your personal data is held securely on the University’s Development and Alumni database within the EEA and in accordance with Data Protection Law, and is subject to appropriate technical and organisational measures against unauthorised or unlawful processing, and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage.

The University and Development and Alumni considers its relationship with alumni, supporters and other stakeholders as lifelong.

The bases on which we process your personal data are legal obligation, performance of a contract, your consent or our legitimate interest.

We will only contact you with information that we believe is relevant to you and you can choose to opt out of receiving information from us at any time.

If you have any queries, concerns or complaints about this privacy notice, or about how we hold and process your personal data, please contact us: